October 11, 2019

Why you should build a custom vitamin

As doctors people often ask us why you should take a custom vitamin. There are many important reasons to build a custom vitamin.  We are not all the same. We all have different vitamin needs based on who we are, our diets, lifestyle and health concerns. It does not make sense that we would all need to take the same generic, off the shelf vitamins. 


For example, someone who is a vegetarian may need more iron in their vitamin (especially if they are a young woman) than an older man who eats meat regularly.  Or those living in a sunny climate may need less vitamin D than those in a more temperate zone. These are some of the many reasons that buying a custom vitamin is recommended. Taking a vitamin quiz is a great way to help determine a custom vitamin that meets your exact needs.

Not only can a custom vitamin help determine which vitamins to take. It is also important to know the proper amounts of each vitamin to take. Taking too much of certain vitamins can be unhealthy and potentially dangerous.  For example, too much calcium via supplements has been shown to cause kidney stones and associated with deposition of calcium in blood vessels, which may in turn cause stroke and heart attacks. A custom vitamin that is doctor created and medically sound, can help you take exactly the vitamins you need and no more.

When buying custom vitamins be sure to be cautious about supplement safety. Vitamin manufacturing is not regulated by the FDA, thus finding quality supplements that are pure and well made can be a challenge. Looking for certification such as GMP or USP seals can be helpful.  If a product does not bear one of these seals it is hard to know that what is listed on the bottle is actually what is contained in the product. Many analyses of vitamins at major retailers have found potentially dangerous ingredients and contaminates. Finding quality vitamins is essential. Looking for doctor created products is another way to try to ensure quality. 

Taking a vitamin quiz that asks about your specific habits such as what you eat, if and how you exercise, and certain health concerns is a great way to buy custom vitamins.  Did you know that the following can be caused by vitamin deficiencies? Migraines, thinning hair, trouble losing weight, fatigue, low energy, brittle nails and more. Taking a custom vitamin that meets your potential vitamin needs and corrects deficiencies can help with these issues and your future health.

Buying a custom vitamin after taking a vitamin quiz is a great way to start a healthier routine. Taking the right vitamins can help with your energy, focus and reduce cravings for bad foods. This can be a part of a journey to improve your eating, exercise, sleep and other health habits. 

As physicians we would advise that the best way to meet your individual vitamin needs is by taking a vitamin quiz and then buying a custom vitamin. This is a great way to get exactly the vitamin you need, no more and no less. You can get the proper blend of vitamins to help you feel better and find your best health.

Arielle Levitan M.D.

Co-founder Vous Vitamin LLC


Author of The Vitamin Solution:Two Doctors Clear the Confusion About Vitamins and Your Health


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